Monday, October 20, 2008


Thanks Rachel S. for passing around the petition!
at the sukkot dinner, 47 signatures were gathered, and some more at the Akiba Middle school today! If you haven't ssigned, please contact me!!:)
Happy Hoshana Raba!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sukkot Theme

Hey Akiba Kids,

We all know that by sitting in our Sukkahs we are not only acting like the Jews in the desert, but a huge part of it is also enjoying our surroundings and simply spending some time outside! Just as a Sukkah is a temporary home, the environment is our home too! To the Sukkot dinner, bring a bag of recycled paper to help our cause and to just keep the chain going (literally!) Thanks so much for all of your help! Stay Green!

Sukkot Dinner

We have some plans for the Sukkot Dinner this Thursday. The first is that we are going to send around a petition mounted on posterboard for parents there to sign( thats already writen, so thats definetly happening) and we are also going to make the dinner "green" themed. Another good idea that we thought of is having a decoration with a slogan and our blog name on it for eveyone to see. If you have anyother ideas, email

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Also, all Akiba students, I'd appreciate it if you "followed" the blog. The link to do that is in the top right hand corner....

The Problem

As you well know, the Dallas council recently passed a law including the removal of Dallas recycling bins, unless you constucted a estimated 2,000$ fence around each bin. The council claims that the green and yellow recycling bins are eyesores, and take away from the beauty of Dallas streets. Also, many citizens and members of council complain that the profit-based company AbitibiWater that picks up our paper and plastic is not emptying the bins often enough and that the bins are overflowing and dirty. I have never personally viewed this in my school's bin, so I can't say that it isn't a problem, but the people need to realize that this company does not have a huge cash flow, and it isn't possible for them to come around more often.
Back to the ammendment:
I think, and so do my fellow students at Akiba that it is not the beauty or lack of beauty that matters in the bin, it is what it represents. It shows that we care about our enviroment, that we do at least our small part in keeping the earth clean, and the Dallas council members need to see this.
This planet's future is our future, and we should keep it green.